Forum: Linux

SubjectRepliesLast Post
X11 HowTo ?14
tslib not found19
Help me about arm-linux-gcc cross compiler and tslib !18
Qt 4.6.2 for dummies21
Src path for at24c0x5
Support HDMI for tiny44121
Moving from Mini2440 to 210s: Qt font too big5
Could not read calibration: "/etc/pointercal"8
new kernel source code0
Qt application run error on mini24403
porting ubuntu on s3cmini2440 arm9 board0
4-wire TS interface on mini64107
ping: bad address5
Buildroot XORG mini2440 T352
Wi-Fi Module for FriendlyARM Mini24402
Access Mini2440 over internet?0
Qt application development tslib/lib not found9
Touch screen doesnt work on miniarm2440 board1
ccid driver1
Cannot calibrate eGalax display on tiny2100
install wlan driver35
Touch screen problem (at start up only)6
start my application at linux start up1
FT5x06_ts Driver mini6410/mini210s0
Accessing GPIO port1
Write Button Driver...5
How to use hwclock??8
How to access NTFS HDD on USB?2
Qt app with touschscreen1
How to use Phonon in mini24400
What could cause adio to play like this?4
Desktop ICON for qt creator application0
Change ethernet settings7
Unable to detect touchscreen a70 with mini2440 under linux8
[Mini210s] S700 capacitive screen under Linux9
Several problems in porting/runnig Qt/Embedded program on/to Fri0
Broken kernel3
-sh: ./led: Permission denied mini24401
Qt > 4.7 on Mini24402
spi_sync() problem in cc2520 radio driver in linux0
Mini2440 - Qt Applications very slow7
Pengutronix BSP for Mini6410 - build fails2
How to boot mini2440 using SD card & network2
Capture from CMOS camera18
Kernel sources for mini64101
SSH on linux3
How do i transfer files to mini2440 from laptop by using etherne1
Create applicaiton0
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