Several problems in porting/runnig Qt/Embedded program on/to Fri

Hello All FriendlyARM developers

Here's the deal. I know Qtopia Core is old, I know Qt Embedded is old,
several developers mentioned, but I have a Mini2440 FriendlyARM based
embedded device with the following characteristics:

- CPU: 400 MHz Samsung S3C2440 ARM926T
- RAM: 64 MB
- LCD: 3.5 inches with 240*320 pixels

Mainly there are a couple of pre-installed software on the board: Linux
Kernel and Qtopia 2.2.0.

After turning on the device the Qtopia is executed. I tried to escape from
Qtopia so I comment out the last lines of /etc/init.d/rcS:

/bin/qtopia &
echo "                                   " > /dev/tty1
echo "Starting Qtopia, please waiting ..." > /dev/tty1

    My first question is: Is it possible to un-install Qtopia from the
board and install newer version of Qt Embedded like Qt Embedded 4.8? If the
answer is positive, how?

Currently I have an installed version of Qtopia core opensource 4.3.5 on my
development computer (in cross-compiling terminology the "build" and "host"
machine) I successfully configured, built and installed it for
cross-compiling for ARM target machine using arm-linug-g++ family
toolchain. The software is located at default path:

I configured Qtopia with the following command and options:

./configure -static -exceptions -no-qt3support -v -embedded arm -xplatform
qws/linux-arm-g++ -qt-libpng -system-libjpeg -qt-libtiff -qt-zlib

Now when I try to run a typical program like hello, world with a push
button or similar widgets, with the following command:

./hello_world -qws

I have a frozen screen, without any feedback, the board pen doesn't work,
the touchscreen doesn't work and worse my 240*320 window is rotated by 90

    My another question is: Are all because I forgot to use the
-qt-mouse-tslib option in configuration. by googling Qtopia environment
variables and inspired by this
I put the following environment variable in a shell script:

    export TSLIB_FBDEVICE=/dev/fb0
    export TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/usr/local/lib/ts
    export TSLIB_CALIBFILE=/etc/pointercal
    export TSLIB_CONFFILE=/usr/local/etc/ts.conf
    export TSLIB_PLUGINDIR=/usr/local/lib/ts
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/Trolltech/QtopiaCore-4.3.5-arm/lib
    export QTDIR=/usr/local/Trolltech/QtopiaCore-4.3.5-arm
    export QWS_MOUSE_PROTO=tslib:/usr/local/lib/ts
    export QWS_DISPLAY=LinuxFB:mmWidth=55:mmHeight=73
    export TSLIB_PLUGINDIR=/usr/local/lib/ts
    export QTDIR=/usr/local/Trolltech/QtopiaCore-4.3.5-arm
    export QWS_SIZE=240x320
and ran at the board, before running program, unfortunately there is no

FYI, I have just 2 input devices: /dev/input/event0 and mice there is no

about the unwanted rotated screen, I exchanged mmWidht and mmHeight or in
QWS_SIZE, I excahnged width and height without any success. Do I have to
use Transformed:Rot90. What is the meaning of Transformed:RotX at all?

Thank you in advance for your response, I am confused with a lot of
concepts and I can't figure out, what should I do.

-- Saeed Amrollahi Boyouk