Forum: Linux

SubjectRepliesLast Post
Install Javafx on the mini2100
connect RS232 with gsm modem7
Writing a device driver for friendlyARM board5
Superboot not outputting on terminal1
micro2440 adc & rs2322
How make rootfs image for tiny210?0
Is actually possible to install ubuntu on tiny210?1
Mini210s and GPIOs1
filesystem image for mini6410 with armhf binaries0
Kernel Sources for NanoPC-T10
Problem with lcd1
compiling on friendlyarm qtopia error0
mini2440 Display0
SourceCode for MPlayer for Tiny64100
as: unrecognized option '-mcpu=arm1176jzf-s'1
Make this application12
mini 24405
GPIO interrupt handling2
Change serial port for system in Linux-CommandLine2
210s: S70 touch doesn't work5
Problem in configuring kernel1
CrossCompile SmartMonTools3
Mjpeg Streaming with mini64103
Build Qt5 on Mini210s0
Kernel souce for ubuntu 13080
mjpeg stream error with pre combiled bin file5
QT installing and TSLIB problem9
Messed up resolution in Mini244018
How to write a device driver leds in friendlyARM??0
ifup: don't seem to have all the variables for eth0/inet8
libftdi on em24405
kernel panic while mounting rootfs6
Error in Serial(HardwareFlow)1
RTC is not porper work..1
Ethernet not working on Tiny6410 SDK v1.21
linux-3.10 kernal to comaptibale for mini244015
Error in Rootfs4
Regarding USB Wi-Fi Module TP-Link0
How to change Booting Logo?0
How to install OpenCV-2.0.0 with ffmpeg3
return minicom version0
Qt Remote Debugging2
Qt remote debugging3
Help kgdb in tiny44120
Problem in run Qt app with touchscreen3
Problem in run Qt program2
installing libudev4
Openssh cross compiled3
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