Cannot calibrate eGalax display on tiny210

Neagoe Alexandru

I have a tiny210 device on which I changed the screen and I am using a new
screen with eGalax (usb) controller. The OS is Qtopia.

I managed to make the touchscreen work, but the problem is that it is not
calibrated and I can't figure out how to calibrate it.

If I change `TSLIB_TSDEVICE` to /dev/input/event2 (the one that the
touchscreen is using), after rebooting I get the Welcome screen from Qtopia
and everything I do an pop up appears saying that for calibration I need to
reboot the device, if I press Yes, the device reboots and this happens
again. It will ask for reboots every time.

If I use TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/ttySAC3 (I saw it commented in the
friendlyarm-ts-input.conf), the calibration starts, but the touchscreen
doesn't work so I can't calibrate it either. 

Anyone has any idea what can I do?