Hello everyone (my first post) I have a problem with running libftdi on my EM2440-III http://www.armdesigner.com/EM2440-III.html I'm not sure, but this platform is probably similar to mini2440 In the beginning I couldn't cross compile libftdi and libusb on fedora 18. I found debian sources of libusb and libftdi for armel on debian repositories, so I wanted to use them - I installed Ubuntu 12.04 on virtualbox and put libraries files in my cross compiler library folder (I read somewhere that somebody had successfully compiles libusb on it) I'm using arm-2013.05-24-arm-none-linux-gnueabi-i686-pc-linux-gnu.tar.bz2, becuase on older version I received this error: https://sourceware.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=12454 I cross-compiled bitbang.c (sample which works me on my fedora), and it succeed, but on my board I receive error: unable to open ftdi device: -1 (usb_find_busses() failed) it looks like libusb cannot find usb devices on board (in dmesg I see that my UM245 exists in system) or maby this library downloaded from debian doesn't fit in my board? maybe em2440 uses other library than normal pc? maybe it will work only on debian? or it is compiled for other version of kernel or libraries? Can somebody give me any advice? (sorry for my English)
libftdi on em2440
> maybe em2440 uses other library than normal pc? Your libraries also need to be cross-compiled to run on your ARM platform.
I see you got the armel sources. Maybe, check those libraries files with: readelf -a (or -A) and at the bottom of the output you should see: armv4t which tells you it built for the 2440.
>> maybe em2440 uses other library than normal pc? > >Your libraries also need to be cross-compiled to run on your ARM platform. yes, just like I wrote, I'm using libraries cross compiled for ARM - I had on my mind suggestion, that the source code needs some modification to work on em2440 (for example changing some address or path is source files). thanks for advice with readelf - I will check that in free time, but I suppose that libraries are compiled for 2440, because I would receive "segmentation fault" errors also, I did another step, and cross compiled source code of libusb 0.1.12 and libftdi 0.20 (both work on my fedora), but I get same result - libusb driver doesn't see any buses
Another issue that can cause grief is trying to get a kernel, a root file system and added libraries that are cross-compiled on a mix of different toolchains (versions of libc, etc) to "play-ball". Did you all these from scratch using the compiler you mentioned? Or are you just doing these two libraries with this compiler?
I did cross compiling for all libs (I even changed Makefile) - doesn't work. davef, thanks for advices, but I found workaround - I switched my solution to serial port and it works.