Forum: Linux

SubjectRepliesLast Post
RAM memory4
Install arm-qtopia-2.2.0_20100108 error8
dc motor control1
QT Application for Tiny6410?6
Root-NFS: No NFS server available, giving up.5
no ttyusb in dev folder4
Help to compile Ekiga7
reading touch screen device (/dev/input/event0)8
how to edit a module installed1
Unable to access borad in NOR or NAND !!15
Error in compiling gcc (pass2)1
Error in Compiling uClinux for ARM0
Mini6410/Debian Squeeze: touchscreen causing reboot on boot11
starting with php cross compile53
Qt Performance HELP PLZ!!8
How to setup Qt in Pendutronix BSP?15
connect camera endoscope1
Qt 4.8 Precompiled0
Emdebian on Mini64106
qtcreator dont work3
Mini210s - Mini210s-B-20121228 ISO12
Shared libraries0
Ptxdist: error loading barebox via tftp31
How to avoid flickering in Graphical drawings using X110
CAM130 Problem7
Mini210S tty problem - OK on Mini6410!0
No s3c24xx-adc in /sys1
usb driver not being installed0
GUI help1
Network devices presence monitoring4
Music player for mini24403
USB port not working on TINY64102
Convert QString to standrd string0
Crosscompilation issues of C++ project3
Disable debugging on serial port 2(440)2
micro 2440 internet thru ttySAC02
ppp has same local and remote ip address2
pwm udev configuration1
Use PWM1 on Tiny64102
Motion on mini244010
v4l capturing for usb web cam0
serial ports does not work8
Webcam and maximal resolution using v4l218
I2C on multi-master mode, is it possible?0
mini2440 bios list is not getting displayed0
compile error for qt4.6.232
mini 2440 x35 ethernet problem..1
how to run ffmpeg on the mini 24400
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