Hi all, I'd like to compils motion and install it on the mini. But as I'm a newbie for some aspects, I request your help for some explanation. Motion relies on libjpeg and ffmpeg libraries (also mysql but I don't need it). So first I tried to compile from sources for x86 before doing the same thing for ARM. But I must have missed something: First, I downloaded libjpeg, then ./configure, make and make install next, same thing for ffmpeg and just after, the same for motion. Everything compiled fine, but when trying to execute motion, it fails saying that it didn't find libjpeg.so.8 or something like that. I checked in /lib and the file is present. So I'm a bit confused with libraries. Furthermore, I wonder how does it work when cross compiling for ARM. I have understood that I should specify to use the ARM C compiler with CC= directive or something similar. So ./configure should prepare the compilation for ARM, then make shoud compile it for ARM. Shall I run the make install? In that case, the ARM compiled libraries will instal in the /lib directory of the host and that's not that I want? I think I should give the destination path as an option to get all the compiled libraries in a directory and then, copy all the files on the /lib folder of the mini? As you see, I know a bit the principle, but everything is not clear. Would someone bee so kind to explain me in details how the things work for x86 compilation, and then explain me the difference with ARM compilation? Homepage of motion, if you're interested http://www.lavrsen.dk/foswiki/bin/view/Motion/WebHome Thanks
Motion on mini2440
Take a look into the various existing cross build tools how they manage the cross compile case. For the native case you can run the 'ldd' command on your executable and see, what libraries are required and if they get found.
Hello Screwface, If you are interested and if you use emdebian, you have this package : motion => http://packages.debian.org/en/stable/graphics/motion With this files => ttp://packages.debian.org/en/lenny/armel/motion/filelist Best regards
Hi, I finally managed to compile motion for the mini several months ago, but I missed to give the link of the tutorial I used. Here it is, for those who are interested in. http://cchia-cwp.blogspot.com/2010/03/motion-webcam.html Regards
Hello, Could you explain how to install the packages mentionned by ellion88? I'm running emdebian squeeze, but I don't know how to install the packages with the given links. Thanks for your help
Nobody to explain how to install a Debian package on EmDebian? I think there is something to add to indicate a debian repository to apt-get, but don't know what
Hello, You have to add the debian repository in your /etc/apt/sources.list In my case the file is deb http://ftp.fr.debian.org/debian squeeze main deb http://www.emdebian.org/grip squeeze main Then #apt-get update #apt-get install motion
Hi, I followed the instructions in http://cchia-cwp.blogspot.in/ to install ffmpeg. But when i run ffmpeg -version , i get -/bin/sh: ffmpeg: not found. Can anyone help? Anvesh
Either add /usr/local/bin to your $PATH environment variable, or move ffmpeg to /bin or /usr/bin Also check that the ffmpeg binary is executable.