Forum: Linux

SubjectRepliesLast Post
suggestions for command line mail clients for tiny 64101
An open source tslib solution for FriendlyARM 1-wire TouchScreen30
qwt install in mini24407
tiny 6410 not able to use touch1
how to run executable files on mini24402
Linux OS0
jffs2 Empty Flash warning - pengutronics BSP5
Qt 5.1.1. Cross compilation on ARM920T (ARMv4t) : mis0
How to execute file in linux OS7
how to use timer tiny 6410 /miny 64107
test_capture: line 1: syntax error: "(" unexpected8
need to use com 3..1
Source for hdmi-service for Tiny2102
How to plot a graph using Qt3
how to compile .c file in miniarm2440 kit1
installing gcc compiler in mini24401
ubuntu on tiny210 boot up,but can't change to root?0
Problem with dm9000 (ethernet controller) mini2440 on debian1
"Device or resource busy" when mounting USB6
qt 2.2 application tutorial for mini24403
How to Open a video using Qt and Opencv0
Help with SD Linux Boot Installation in Tiny2100
Send SMS over 3G module2
How to insert the cups in Mini24400
Nand Memory2
CUPS Cross Compiling for MINI24409
server nfs and mini24407
ftp connection refused2
PWN Buzzer2
change MAC address tiny210 ?3
How to add library to mini24403
bad erase block error1
error in mjpg-streamer while running script on mini24400
Has anyone manged to get w1_gpio working on mini2100
How to Cross compile Hp printer0
no sdcard on mini24401
mini2440 can not ping6
required webcam.cgi & webcam.html or webcam.c files0
Pengutronix: no eth0 mini24402
Watchdog problem0
error while loading shared libraries: cannot ope1
madplay 'audio: /dev/dsp: No such file or directory'1
how to put code in tiny 6410 without using SD card0
iptables on friendlyarm2
Cannot telnet when use 3G on tiny210V22
tiny 64101
Connecting OV7670 to mini24401
set linux system time from Qt6
RS485 on Real64102
giving access permission 2 system folders/files in my Qtopia app2
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