Forum: Linux

SubjectRepliesLast Post
Create delay in QT2
which Linux ditrubution provided in the mini2440 DVD?0
Tiny210 problem with capacitive touchscreen4
"Hello world" (console) segmentation fault29
java on tiny64101
MCP2515 driver for Mini24401
How to configure and build media-ctl1
Attaching Jlink-JTAG with FriendlyARM Mini2440(ARM9) ,QtCreator0
IRQ with ADXL345 accelerometer on Pengutronix BSP12
Tell me name of this Touchscreen ?1
Jlink-JTAG .gdbinit file procedure0
Compiling C programs on arm9 mini 24406
Opencv + QT + Friendly ARM compilation?0
for create rootfs, where is board driver lib?0
Regarding JTAG0
QtSerialPort project8
How to live Debug in QT using JTAG1
Using my mini2440 as a download server5
Cross-compiling linux binary help0
root file system failure.17
setting root password0
/dev/adc in custom rootfs3
Porting QT Application on Mini641037
How to install a package and configure for arm kit0
How to port new kernel on mini24405
Tiny210 Audio0
on PPP0
DirecFB and Mini24404
couldn able to load Yaffs to mini2440 n nor boot3
Not able to download rootfs_qtopia_qt4 into Mini24405
USB CDC Driver6
Installing Ubuntu/Debian on Mini210s9
option iCon 322 3G usb modem1
display values on homepage2
desktop launcher for qt app on Mini244011
install ubuntu always error at 88%0
GDB compilation and running3
Pengutronix - autostart1
Bad Nagic number4
Broken mini2440?0
I need Linux Zimage W351
Can't put transfer focus to qt application1
how to bring the board back to normal1
mini2440 doesn't boot0
GSM modem not working properly0
Error while running application on Mini24401
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