desktop launcher for qt app on Mini2440


I am developing on Mini2440 board and I have compiled qt for embedded linux
(qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.6.3) and tslib successfully and run my
example program by giving

./hello -qws 

at terminal and it has run successfully.

Now I want to launch the application from desktop by creating icon. For
that I have followed the tutorial by creating
desktop file, icon and executable. But I could n't run it.

When I touch my icon on Mini2440 screen nothing happens. If I hold the icon
for longer time I can see the properties of the application. But for other
applications by single touch I could run them. 

Please let me know how to run our applications from desktop in Mini2440.

Thanks in advance

The instructions given in the blog you mention are for qtopia 2.2.0
If you want to launch a Qt 4 application from Qtopia, use the Qt 4 launcher
in FriendlyARM tab of Qtopia desktop, editing that desktop entry and the
/bin/qt4 file.

Thanks for your reply. In FriendlyARM tab, there is no QT 4 Laucher file.
In the settings tab, I could find "Quick Launcher" but I think it is not
the right file. I could n't edit the desktop entry. Also /bin/qt4 is an
exe, how to edit that? 

Please help me and let me know the procedure

Download "Qtopia 2.2.0 + QT4 2011-03-05" image from FriendlyARM and use it
as your root filesystem. There you will find a Qt4 launcher and a file
named /bin/qt4 that is a plain text file.

Thanks a lot for you reply @ elucches

I could run my application after modifying qt4 file by providing my exe
file location. Its working now :)

By using qt4 launcher I could run one application at a time.

Lets say I wrote 3 applications in qt4 and would like to launch all of
them, how can I do that?

Please let me know this one.

Once again thanks a lot for your solution

When my application is started and i touch the screen,application in the
background or desktop icons is activated. Is there a way to prevent the
background apps from activating when running Qt application?

Thanks a lot for your support

I've never launched more than one application at a time. I guess you can
launch the first one with the -qws switch, so that it behaves as the
server, and then the other ones without the -qws option, so that they'll
use the first one as window server.
Regarding the activation of Qtopia apps when touching the screen while
running a Qt 4 app, I don't know. Did you modify the environment variables
set in /bin/qt4? Are you running the application with the -qws option?
Good luck,


"Did you modify the environment variables set in /bin/qt4?"

Yes I did. I have modified by providing all the export parameters.

Also I am running the application by providing -qws option inside qt4 file.

Someone must have faced this problem previously. Please let me know how to
resolve this

I am developing on Mini2440 board and I have compiled qt for embedded linux
(qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.6.3) and tslib successfully and run my
example program by giving

./hello -qws 

at terminal and it has run successfully.

Now I want to launch the application from desktop by creating icon. For
that I have followed the tutorial by creating
desktop file, icon and executable. But I could n't run it.

When I touch my icon on Mini2440 screen nothing happens. If I hold the icon
for longer time I can see the properties of the application. But for other
applications by single touch I could run them. 

Please let me know how to run our applications from desktop in Mini2440.

>>When my application is started and i touch the screen,application in the
>>background or desktop icons is activated. Is there a way to prevent the
>>background apps from activating when running Qt application?

Hi u2bpavankumar,

In Qt4 demos, there is an example named: "FluidLaucher" (<QT
dir>/demos/embedded/fluidlaucher). It 's a simple application that execute
other application without background apps actived.

There is Demoapplication wrapper class(DemoApplication.h) that run other qt
     DemoApplication::DemoApplication(QString executableName, QString
caption, QString imageName, QStringList args).

I think you can reuse this.

Hello u2bpavankumar,

I am also facing the same problem.
when i am executing the application by giving command ./transmit -qws it
successfully works but i want that application from desktop.

I downloaded the image  Qtopia 2.2.0 + QT4 2011-03-05 but i do not
understand how to make it as root file system.

So if you can explain me some more i will be able to complete the job.

Thanks in Advance

Hey Abhishek,

I am facing the same problem. I couldn't download the image Qtopia 2.2.0 +
QT4 2011-03-05 as it seems to have been removed from the site and i cant
find it anywhere. Do you still have the image?
If yes, can u pls mail it to me, i will give u my email id.