Titus or anyone who has manged to cross-compile this application, I have registered on no-ip.com and they seem to recognise me as I can go back and get my profile. Downloaded the source and made a path to the Pengutronix toolchain and tried to make it. It asks for the login/email string which I enter as <festing.no-ip.com> then the password <secret> and then its says you have entered and incorrect username or password. Then it displays a few brief errors and quits. Is there some trick to get no-ip.com to recognise that I am a real person? the DNS server returns the right IP address. Thanks, Dave
Hi Dave, you have to enter the email address which you have registered on no-ip.com you use to login on the web page. The hostname you created <festing.no-ip.com> is not the email address. It needs something like someone@mail.tld.
Titus, I had considered that but baulked at apparently having to give them my hotmail.com password! Please enter the login/email string for no-ip.com dave_festing@hotmail.com Please enter the password for user 'dave_festing@hotmail.com' ********* So, I got over that hurdle, but it built in less than a second. I did a readelf on noip2 and it didn't cross compile. Here is the script I used: #!/bin/bash # cross-compile No-IP # run this script from home/davef as sudo ./no-ip-compile.sh export PATH=/opt/OSELAS.Toolchain-2012.12.0/arm-v4t-linux-gnueabi/gcc-4.7.2-glibc-2.16. 0-binutils-2.22-kernel-3.6-sanitized/bin:$PATH # general cross-compile export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-v4t-linux-gnueabi- export CC=${CROSS_COMPILE}"gcc" cd noip-2.1.9-1 make make install **** Could suggest what I have done incorrectly? No errors were displayed. Thanks, Dave
Think I got it. There is only one .c file so changed my script to: #!/bin/bash # cross-compile No-IP # run this script from home/davef as sudo ./no-ip-compile.sh export PATH=/opt/OSELAS.Toolchain-2012.12.0/arm-v4t-linux-gnueabi/gcc-4.7.2-glibc-2.16. 0-binutils-2.22-kernel-3.6-sanitized/bin:$PATH # general cross-compile export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-v4t-linux-gnueabi- export CC=${CROSS_COMPILE}"gcc" cd noip-2.1.9-1 arm-v4t-linux-gnueabi-gcc -o noip2 noip2.c *** At least I end up with a v4t binary, now off to test.