Forum: Linux

SubjectRepliesLast Post
Buildroot for NanoPC-T11
Kernel configuration in fedora 12 for mini64100
New Issue In Mini2440 + P35 LCD11
Boot Ubuntu from SD Card?1
Nano PC Linux+Qt ROM2
mini2440 - boot 3.16 kernel9
cc1plus: error while loading shared libraries: c7
mini6410 fw_env.config4
qtopia on mini244030
Read and display the data from ethernet/serial port in mini24407
touchscreen issue0
Interrupt on GPIO-Pin in Qt10
Cross compiled MySql syntax error0
pengutronix bsp4
Unable to call I2c probe fun3
nanoPC-T1 no HDMI output possible11
PTXDist Mini2440 one wire TS patch0
perf utility on the altera clclone V socfpga board1
How to run ts_calibrate ?12
Unable to open /root/.bashrc file10
modifying GPIO drivers 'leds' and 'buttons'34
Poor performance on network card on NanoPC7
Is it possible to install ArchLinux in a NanoPC1
Qt app touchscreen not working2
Opencv Face Recognisation0
Interfacing ethernet and serial port examples in linux7
hwclock not working9
image processing and opencv12
Linux Boot Logo15
Daisy chain??0
I2C chip.3
Tiny4412 with Linux15
usb driver4
Unable to get a high output on a GPIO pin2
Eclipse CDT and arm-linux-4.3.26
how to change boot text and logo in linux -
How to find GPIO number.0
iTest Project4
Disabling the PWM buzzer0
Modifying registers from user space4
Problem with qreal, double and float porting an application4
Porting kernel 3.4 to mini64102
Serial device on ttySAC2
l have a problem 'BUG: rwlock bad magic on CPU#3'0
Problems with DNW3
need to install linux kernek 3.15 on friendlyARM 64107
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