Forum: Linux

SubjectRepliesLast Post
access serial port on Qtopia0
draw rectangle on LCD1
Loading problem - Boot screen1
Problem compiling sample code - cannot find
Avoid file corruption - SD card4
Patches for 2.6.39 kernel34
Problem mini24402
Micro2440 - LCD Blinks1
Mini2440 Audio Interface Help needed5
bit torrent client mini24404
ALSA - weird audio capture behaviour (mini2440)4
Kernel tweaking learning7
install linux on tiny64102
Linux boot error12
Enable GPIO clock for port B0
Mini6410 N43i Display / Touchscreen44
Kernel replace from Shell0
Xenomai on Tiny64100
Using wireless modules through SPI19
Browser source code1
auto exposure and white balance0
how to remove green screen from frame buffer?0
mini6410 board type0
export command for arm-linux-gcc1
Unable to open initial console4
gpio pin as an interrupt line in kernel module ?1
How to control a servo with mini24400
Mini2440 display resolution2
VGA pallete settings3
compile with arm-linux-gcc files0
help arm-linux-gcc installation1
Project with witch OS/Tools10
How to Access a register and place data in it Linux10
Qtopia GUI Application6
Virtual Keyboard in XUbuntu3
Read GPIO pins directly from register...!!0
dm900 wrong data byte1
mplayer and smplayer on mini64102
Highest Priority to module0
Error with the tslib10
2.6.33 kernel7
tiny6410 spi lost bytes1
Blinking an LED over Connector 40
config_mini2440_t35 for linux-3.1.53
Screen light up delay1
Cross compile error X116
Midnight Commander binary anyone ?1
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