can any one please help me with qt-2.2.0 friendly arm designer. if i type designer in the command prompt it says designer can be found in qt3 or qt4. I have already installed qt-2.2.0 that is available from .i went to the directory /opt/FriendlyARM/mini2440/x86-qtopia/qtopia-2.2.0-FriendlyARM/qt2/bin/ i can see some executables in which designer is also there. but if i do ./designer it tries to show something but whatever tries to come up ,its corrupted i there any problem with my qt-designer or do i need to go some other way for using the designer.your help is most appreciated :)
qt-2.2.0 designer please help
Hi alisha, Did you try invoking the designer manually??By clicking on the designer icon in the directory /opt/FriendlyARM/mini2440/x86-qtopia/qtopia-2.2.0-FriendlyARM/qt2/bin/? I am using Red hat enterprise edition 5.3 as host...which one r u using??
thanks for the post i'm using ubuntu 9.06.Yes i'm invoking by typing ./designer at the directory u mentioned. it comes up but i cant see anything on it. its all transparent and i can see the application window that is beneath it .why is this happening? do i have to set some colour settings or what?its so frustrating.can you help me with some qt-2.2.0 startup coding ?
Well...thats pretty unusual. I won't be able to tell about the transperancy untill i see it. But did u try starting designer by clicking on the designer icon in the given path instead of invoking it from terminal?? Apart from that if u have set up the installation correctly then the hello code provided in /opt/FriendlyARM/mini2440/x86-qtopia/hello/ must work. U just build the application by typing ./build in the terminal and then ./run-hello. The virtual framebuffer will display the hello app properly. About the designer though...i haven't used ubuntu. I am using Red hat linux enterprise edition 5.3. It works fine with me. Just check out the forum's old postings. In some posts i found people having trouble with ubuntu9.
I am having the exact same problem with designer on ubuntu. It is transparent and any bright screen below interferes with what you are looking at in designer. For now, I'm using an old version 2.3 of designer in Windows and transfering my .ui files to linux for compiling. It is definitely a pain so if anyone knows why designer is transparent, it would really be helpful.
I am also trying to use QT2 in the dir /opt/FriendlyARM/mini2440/x86-qtopia/qtopia-2.2.0-FriendlyARM/qt2/bin/. I can open the designer app and it seems opens correctly with no transpareny issues. There are many examples given but I don't know how to open them in QT2. Has anyone tried the examples in /opt/FriendlyARM/mini2440/x86-qtopia/qtopia-2.2.0-FriendlyARM/qt2/examples and successfully compiled them? Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Hi alisha and allen, to view designer correctly, you ha ve to change your ubuntu's appearance settings. First click on System->Preferences-> Appearance then jump to Visual Effects tab and select None .Thats it
Hi RonD, First you have to build those examples. Just view the build script in the folder /opt/FriendlyARM/mini2440/x86-qtopia/hello. And write your own script for any of the example u want. Also write a script file to run the application in virtual framebuffer.
I'm having the same problem with Qt 3.2.1 in Ubuntu 10.10 and I've been troubled with it for days...First I thought that it may be building problems, so I built it over and over...And now finally know why it looks transparent...XD
set QTDIR proper and call designer explicit: #!/bin/sh QTDIR=/opt/FriendlyARM/mini2440/x86-qtopia/qtopia-2.2.0-FriendlyARM/qt2 export QTDIR $QTDIR/bin/designer
@ ozgur and others- Hey i am facing the same problem on transparency of the Qtopia designer. I m using fedora 16. pls help me with the same. Thank you in advance