Hi everybody, I have a NanoPi M3 board with Linux Debian Jessie installed (image downloaded from friendlyarm links, latest version: Linux NanoPi3 3.4.39-s5p6818 #4 SMP PREEMPT Wed Nov 16 16:33:05 CET 2016 armv7l GNU/Linux I'm currently configuring the following Matrix sensors: - Accelerometer - Digital Compass - Pressure and Temperature Sensor I've been able to connect both accelerometer and digital compass and to succesfully retrieve values from them but unfortunately I'm experiencing issues while trying to retrieve data from the Pressure and Temperature Sensor. I followed the pinout diagrams of NanoPi M3 and of Pressure and Temperature Sensors and I'm pretty sure that connections are ok. Here below is how I connected pins: SDA Pin3 SCL Pin5 5V Pin4 GND Pin6 I tried to get data by using the matrix-pressure_temp command but unfortunately I received the following errors: root@NanoPi3:~# matrix-pressure_temp Hardware:NANOPI3 Revision:0007 BoardType:68187 FAHW-Lib: Unable to open file /sys/bus/i2c/drivers/bmp085/unbind/temp0_input FAHW-Lib: Invalid bmp180 data Faided to get humidity FAHW-Lib: Unable to open file /sys/bus/i2c/drivers/bmp085/unbind/pressure0_input FAHW-Lib: Invalid bmp180 data Faided to get pressure The altitude is 44330.00 m It seems that the NanoPi is not correctly detecting the sensor (Matrix APS-01). I also tried to do an i2cdetect -y [0-4] but the sensor is not detected. Does somebody of you have any suggestion on how to proceed? Could be the sensor damaged? Any help is really appreciated since that sensor is a very important component of my system. Thanks a lot! Best regards, Marco
Matrix - Pressure and Temperature Sensor
Three suggestions: - have you got just the Matrix temp sensor? I use DS18B20 on my NanoPi using the Matrix libs. Maybe, try that first. I see that the ones you can get to work are I2C, so maybe it is a 1wire problem. - FAHW-Lib: Unable to open file. I wonder if this refers to libfahw.so - /sys/bus/i2c/drivers/bmp085/unbind/temp0_input and /sys/bus/i2c/drivers/bmp085/unbind/pressure0_input Are those files on your target? Those other (FAHW-Lib) errors don't seem to be coming from bmp180.c