Hi, i want to start on arm in WINCE, but after trying to donwload WINCE6, it says INVALID product key which was requested from microsoft as Evaluation key... any way to solve this? please do help me.. thank you
Downloading WINCE?
If you download it from MS you get an FREE key for 6 month evaluation. After that you can reinstall with an new key.
Did you use the correct key? MS sends you 3 keys, one is for eval VS2005, once is for WinCE6 and one is for WinCE5. Thank you, Errol
yes i did as for key, and i found out its the same key they give to others(read on some post), also contact there support, and give me a DIRECT line which i dont have access. first if you directly download CE6 on microsoft you be ask directly for a product key after installing some few kb set-up, or i am on wrong track? here is my key, i think its not illegal. please need some help...thank you Thank You for Evaluating Windows Embedded Windows CE Your product key(s) for installation are: * Windows CE 5.0: R7P4T------------- * Embedded Visual C++ 4.0: TK2Q4------------ Windows Embedded CE 6.0 Your product key(s) for installation are: * Windows Embedded CE 6.0 (plug-in for Visual Studio 2005): H8RQR--------------- * If you are also evaluating Visual Studio 2005, Visual Studio 2005 Professional Edition Trial: M3C9X------------------ * Other recommended downloads: Visual Studio 2005 Service Pack 1 Beta
i am not able to get the key. i need key for Windows Embedded CE 6.0 (plug-in for Visual Studio 2005). it would be great if you could provide me the key.
Hi, i have started to work with mini2440 in WINCE, but after trying to build WINCE6 image, i am getting this error BUILD: [01:0000001023:ERRORE] NMAKE : U1073: don't know how to make 'C:\WINCE600\OSDesigns\OSDesign3\OSDesign3\Wince600\Mini2440_ARMV4I\cesysgen\oak \lib\ARMV4I\retail\sdcardlib.lib' BUILD: [01:0000001025:ERRORE] NMAKE.EXE TargetLibFiles -i -c BUILDMSG=Stop. BUILDROOT=C:\WINCE600\PLATFORM\Mini2440 CLEANBUILD=1 LINKONLY=1 NOPASS0=1 failed - rc = 2 any way to solve this? regard Ashish