Hi, I recently purchased a NanoPi-2 development kit with the S70 LCD. I downloaded and wrote debian to the SD card. And Debian boots just fine as I can see on the serial console. However, on connecting the LCD to the NanoPi2 board I get no power on the LCD nor any display during the Debian boot up. Is there a way to debug the LCD to check if there is a problem with the LCD itself or with the connection between the LCD and the nanopi2 board? The LCD doesn't even light up at all -- so is it possible that the LCD could be bad? -abhas.
No display on connecting S70 LCD with NanoPi2
Check the 7th post down http://www.friendlyarm.net/forum/topic/6498
Get Started Essentials You Need Before play with your NanoPi2 please get the following items ready 1、NanoPi 2 2、microSD Card/TFCard: Class 10 or Above, minimum 8GB SDHC 3、microUSB power. A 5V/2A power is a must 4、HDMI monitor or LCD Make an Installation MicroSD Card Under Windows Please get the following files from here:download link to download image files: Please uncompress these files. Insert an SD card(at least 4G) to a Windows PC, run the win32diskimager utility as administrator,On the utility's main window select your SD card's drive and the image files and click on "write" to start flashing the SD card. Please insert this card to your NanoPi2 and power on (with a 5V/2A power source). If the blue LED and green LED are blinking this indicates your NanoPi2 is successfully booted.