S70D Display Driver

Mohammad Foroughi
I was using old S70 display with mini6410 and mini210, everything was OK.
But when I bought new S70 displays there was a shift on display to up and
left. Actually upper left corner of the screen moved to left and up. 

As I noticed the part number is S70D not S70. Looking an Datasheets showed
up that the controller of this display is KD070D (old one was AT070T).

Any Idea?

Mohammad Foroughi
Ok, digging kernel sources finally managed to find a (somewhat dirty)

file: arch/arm/mach-s5pv210/mini210-lcds.c
find: } mini210_lcd_config[] = {
line: 482
change this:
    { "S70",  &wvga_s70,  1 },
to this:
    { "S70",  &wvga_s70d,  1 }

And it worked ;)

Now trying to solve the same issue for 6410 ...