Any document about ARM config?

Hi . 
I want to know is there a complete document for ARM device ( like
mini2440)? ( for each config or enable each device like I2C , ADC , ...)

I'll try ...

if you look in the Linux kernel in 


There is even some ADC and I2C config in there. But you will not find SPI
or (PWM?).  This means you have to add (patch) this file to include other
wanted configs.

Many people have done that so you need to find and add those configs
yourself.  I could help with the SPI as I did that once.

The Pengutronix mini2440 BSP includes many of these peripheral configs and
therefore saves you a lot of work.  But, you need to invest some time in
learning how to drive that package.

thanks @devef.
yes. You say right. I should invent times. thanks.