Hi everybody! I need a tool named usbpush for kit Friendly Arm 2440. I need helps of everybody. Thanks!
soft usbpush!
Google will probably be the best help. Try <usbpush mini2440 molyfab> Do you want to run it on a Linux box or Windows?
davef: I run it on Linux. I also ask google but not found. There is a link: http://www.friendlyarm.net/dl.php?file=usbpush.zip but it died
usbpush is used in the Pengutronix mini2440 distro. Try downloading the latest mini2440 BSP http://git-public.pengutronix.de/?p=OSELAS.BSP-Pengutronix-Mini2440.git;... and have a look at /platform-mini2440/build/host/usbpush-0.1 If the executable isn't there try following their Quickstart guide to build the BSP package. If you have further problems let me know.
hi davef and phtuan , i am trying to find USBPUSH .the source code link not found.is there any other ways to push the files to the target board.
What do you want the source code for? Isn't the executable enough? Send me a private message on FriendlyARM's new forum.