Build library Phonon for linux and KIT ARM .

Cuong Nguyen Dinh
Hi all !
I want make a Media Player on KIT ARM Tiny6410(or Mini6410) with library
Phonon . I use Linux 12.04 , Arm-linux-gcc-4.4.3 and qte 4.7.4 . I have run
successfully gcc 4.4.3 and QTE with the command ./configure --prefix QTE =
/ opt / qte -embedded -xplatform qws arm / linux-g ++-arm-endian -little
-no-qt3support -fast -no-largefile sql-sqlite -qt--nomake -nomake tools
-no-webkit demos examples -nomake -no-multimedia -no-javascript-JIT . How
to run ./configure --prefix = / opt / qte -embedded -xplatform qws arm /
linux-g ++ .... arm--no -no-phonon-phonon-backend? Or build Phonon library
on Linux and KIT to run Media Player .
I followed that path as the link does not work:
What did I do wrong steps ? Hope you helps?
Thanks for reading. Wish you a happy day !