Hi, I am building a baremetal OS and a microcontroller development kit for the S3C2440. It is still in its nascent stage and the architecture is still being developed. The goal is to make a very simple baremetal OS for experimenting/learning and also for making testing of the hardware much much simpler. The source code is at https://github.com/mindentropy/s3c2440-mdk I would love to know your feedback on it. Thanks, mindentropy.
Baremetal OS and Microcontroller development kit.
It would be great if anybody wants to fund for any must have features as I am developing it during my free time. -mindentropy.
You are aware that the S3C2440 is EOL (End Of Life) and no longer in production? FriendlyARM may still have some stock of these parts but I'm sure it's limited. If you are developing hardware you should target a newer processor such a the S3C2451. Rob
hi, Rob, ARM Cortex-A8 is good? If so. please find RT-210 here I mean Mini210s board with Samsung S5PV210. If you're still unsutisfyed, I can make nonOS for Exynos in any its flavor. But. minis210s id Great!