hello there, i want to know how to make gui in mini6410 board. can anybody help me in this. i am totally new on this board. i installed the toolchain and compiled and run some programme like adc ,i2c all that but want to make gui for this. so anybody help me how to start on this,which environment. a little help give to mode to step ahead. thanks
for 6410 gui
hello davef, i want to know about the mini6410.i worked on mini2440 and gui is made by trolltek. but in mini6410....i don't know about it. please can you help me.
I would have thought that the process would be very similar for both platforms. http://www.sereno-labs.com/Qt_4.8.3_installation_procedure_FriendlyARM_m... Google <tutorial mini6410 Qt>
@davef very thankful to you actually on this fourm i felt very less reply or conversation by others.. but i am very oblige you to reply ,me. please stay touch and suggest me how to conversation with others so that i receive more reply to my answer like raspberry pi fourm.
r@wboom, The mini2440 was quite popular 3-4 years ago but other units have come along. The RaspberryPi and Odroid forums have a strong user base. The mini2440 works well for the type of work I do, but the other units have more "up to-date" capabilities that I am not interested in. How to get better replies? Try to have to an interesting and specific subject line is the only way to get attention. Good luck
hello davef, i go through the mini2440 vietnam and read the procedure... i have a problem in this****************************** Okay, on screen of Qt creator, choose "Tools" -> "Options". In "Options" window, click to "Qt4" -> "Qt Version", on the right part you will see "Auto-detected" and "Manual". Click on "Manual" and then choose plus (+) button located on the top right, in section "Version Name" you could let down what name you like (I typed "mini2440"). In section "QMake Location", click on "Browse..." and you should indicate Qt creator know where the directory of qmake is. For what i did, I choose /usr/local/Qt/bin/qmake (That directory is generated by cross-compiled Qt4.6.2, if possible, you can have a look cross-compiling Qt4.6.2 here). Okay, if there is no fault, you will see a noted line of "Found Qt version 4.6.2, using mkspec /usr/local/Qt/mkspecs/qws/linux-arm-g++" under "Debugging Helper". Click "Ok" to complete this mission. }}} ********************************* i didn't found the path and qmake anywhere but my toolchain arm-linux-gcc is installed when i see it by arm-linux-gcc -v command.
hey.. sorry i got it. now i make a programme in this and make gui... now how to compile this and how to dump the programme in mini6410 or mini2440 machine.... i am using qt 4.6.2
davef,,,http://www.sereno-labs.com/Qt_4.8.3_installation_procedure_FriendlyARM_m... i go to this site .....and clicked on this http://releases.qt-project.org/qt4/source/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4..... but after that which version i have to download i didn't understand please help sir.
Try (official releases) qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.6.tar.gz There was a location for other older archived files if you really want 4.8.3. You would have to search for it as I haven't used Qt for 1-2 years.
now i am trying to install tslib but error occurs ceeri@ubuntu:/usr/local$ git clone https://github.com/kergoth/tslib fatal: could not create work tree dir 'tslib'.: Permission denied how can i solve it.
Have you used git before? If not there is something you have to download: sudo apt-get install git Tutorial: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-git-on-u...
Or maybe: sudo git clone https://github.com/kergoth/tslib
yes sir, i got the tslib in my download folder by using sudo git clone https://github.com/kergoth/tslib now how can i install it.... because in i already install git
and i doing the step scp -r linux-arm/ eclipse@ what is this address because my ip is and proxy is which one i put into... http://www.simiolabs.com/developer/wiki/index.php?title=Cross-compiling_...... this is the guide which i am following
> Moving the library to the SBC I doubt if these instructions are useful to you. No idea of what scp and eclipse:eclipse means. I suggest step 3 : http://mini2440vietnam.blogspot.co.nz/2011/04/upgrade-qt462-in-mini2440.... Was there some reason for NOT following this tutorial?
hey davef, i solved it.....thanks very much for helping me... i asked a question to you in i2c fourm about the interfacing pcf8591 adc ic to mini6410 or mini2440... when i see it on command line and did like it i2cset -y 0 0x48 0x00 i2cget -y 0 0x48 when reference volt is 5v and channel votage is 5 volt it reads 0xff which is alright but when i did things in the code it sees me garbage... here is the code *************************************************************************** #include <errno.h> #include <linux/i2c-dev.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <linux/fs.h> #include <errno.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <getopt.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <linux/types.h> #include <linux/spi/spidev.h> # include <termio.h> # include <time.h> # include <string.h> # include <sys/time.h> extern int errno; int main(void) { fprintf(stderr,"ctrl-Z to stop\n"); int fd=open("/dev/i2c/0",O_RDWR); if(fd<0) { printf("not working\n"); } else printf("I2C working\n"); int buf[10]; int buff[100]; int read1,i,value,io,wbyte; int errnum; float temp; buf[0]=0x48; //adc write mode. buf[1]=0X00; //adc channel selected(control byte) buf[2]=0x90; // errnum=errno; io=ioctl(fd,I2C_SLAVE,0x48); //check i2c status. if(io<0) { printf("error ioctl\n"); } else { wbyte=write(fd,buf,3); } if(wbyte!=3) { fprintf(stderr,"value of errno %d\n",errno); printf("error write:%d\n",wbyte); perror("write\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Error opening file: %s\n", strerror( errnum )); } // write all three control word to arm usleep(1*1000); read1=read(fd,buff,10); usleep(1*1000); for(i=0;i<=9;i++) { //value=(buff[i]*5)/255; //temp=(value*1000)/10; //printf("value in volts=%d\n",value); printf("buffer value=%d\n",buff[i]); } close(fd); return 1; } ******************************************************************************** ********************************************************************** please help why it is happening.??
> but when i did things in the code it sees me garbage... Doesn't make much sense to me. Did what things? > when reference volt is 5v and channel votage is 5 volt it reads 0xff > which is alright By channel voltage do you mean the input voltage, ie the voltage you are trying to measure? Maybe if you show us the "garbage".
the channel voltage mean pcf8591 input voltage at channel 0. which i gave it to 5v. here is command linbe o/p [root@FriendlyARM /]# ./i2cset -y 0 0x48 0x00 [root@FriendlyARM /]# ./i2cget -y 0 0x48 0xff [root@FriendlyARM /]# ./i2cget -y 0 0x48 0xff [root@FriendlyARM /]# ./i2cget -y 0 0x48 0xff [root@FriendlyARM /]# ./i2cget -y 0 0x48 0xff and here is the code output when i run the above code. [root@FriendlyARM /]# ./adc ctrl-Z to stop I2C working buffer value=-1 buffer value=-1 buffer value=65535 buffer value=0 buffer value=0 buffer value=1074454528 buffer value=-512 buffer value=-188 buffer value=1074454016 buffer value=33235 which is unexpacted... please suggest what should i do...
So, for a constant 5V on the input you get different values every how many seconds? I suggest that you are not reading the ADC but some ADC input port that is "floating", ie does not have a constant voltage on it.
@davef, thank you davef... i got the o/p because i took the buffers as int type that was the problem. but when i gave it 1.8 volt the o/p is 1.00000 not accurate...why?? second thing which is adc0 pin in mini6410 board..i seen in the mini6410 pdf but no descreption about that... so can you please tell me.
and if you know about how to insatll kernel qtopia on mini6410 because i work on default when i bought it
hello davef, i have the o/p like this... I2C IS WORKING buff len 0buff value 201 ADC VALUE: 3.000000 buff value 201 ADC VALUE: 3.000000 buff value 201 ADC VALUE: 3.000000 buff value 201 ADC VALUE: 3.000000 buff value 201 ADC VALUE: 3.000000 buff value 201 ADC VALUE: 3.000000 when value is 3.5 volt. and here is the code ******************************************************************************** ********************************************************************** //************************************************INCLUDING HEADERS****************************************************************// #include <errno.h> #include <linux/i2c-dev.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <linux/fs.h> #include <errno.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <getopt.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <linux/types.h> #include <linux/spi/spidev.h> # include <termio.h> # include <time.h> # include <string.h> # include <sys/time.h> //*******************************************STARTING THE MAIN FUNCTION**********************************************// int main() { int fd=open("/dev/i2c/0",O_RDWR); if (fd<0) { printf("\n NOT ABLE TO OPEN THE DRIVER \n"); } else { printf("\n I2C IS WORKING \n"); } char buf[100]; // BUFFER used for adc control word char buff[100]; // BUFFER used for adc read float valuee,m1; // variable used for data transfer from subroutine to main int i=0; int io, wbyte,rbyte; //********************************************************I2C DETECT AND I2C READ****************************************************// buf[0]=0x48; // sending control word to adc for write mode in ch=0 buf[1]=0x00; // I2C adress for arm on which adc connected buf[2]=0x91; // control word for adc set in to read mode io=ioctl(fd,0x703,0x48); // adress for arm for i2c communication if(io<0) { printf("error ioctl\n"); } else { wbyte=write(fd,buf,3); // write all three control word to arm usleep(1*1000); if(wbyte!=3) { printf("error write:%d\n",wbyte); } rbyte=read(fd,buff,10); printf("buff len %d",buff[rbyte]); // read 10 bytes from adc usleep(10*1000); for(i=0;i<=5;i++) { // average and conversion in to voltage valuee=(buff[i]*5)/255; m1=m1+valuee; printf("buff value %d\n",buff[i]); printf("ADC VALUE: %f\n",valuee); } m1=m1/5; close(fd); return 1; } } //****************************************************************************** *******************************************************************// why it is not read 3.457 like this?? where is the problem.
FYI, I have never worked with the mini6410. > why it is not read 3.457 like this?? Maybe, because the scaling is not correct or you are not using the same reference voltage. 1.8V reads 1.0V 3.457 reads 3.0V seems close Try some other voltages to see how it tracks.
hello again davef, i am building a code for adc gui n here is the code i do.... **********************************************************************#include "hello.h" #include <qlabel.h> #include <qpushbutton.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <linux/fs.h> #include <errno.h> #include <string.h> #include <qobject.h> #include <fstream> char buffer[30]; HelloForm::HelloForm( QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags fl) :HelloBaseForm(parent, name, fl) { connect(PushButton1,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(startadc())); connect(PushButton2,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(stopadc())); } HelloForm::~HelloForm() { } //code for getting the adc// int HelloForm::getadc() { int value=-1; int n=0; int a; int fd=open("/dev/adc",0); if(fd<0) { Message->setText("error file"); } int len = read(fd, buffer, sizeof buffer -1); if (len > 0 ) { buffer[len] = '\0'; sscanf(buffer, "%d", &value); a=(3.3*value)/1024; n=a; } return(value); } //Button code for Adc start// void HelloForm::startadc() { char conv_buffer0[10]; int i = 0; float adc_val_ch0=0; for (i =0;i <5;i++) { adc_val_ch0 = getadc(); snprintf(conv_buffer0,10,"%f",adc_val_ch0); ADC_0->setText(conv_buffer0); } } void HelloForm::stopadc() { //int a = 0; Message->setText("Stopped"); ADC_0->setText(" "); } ******************************************************************************** ********************************************************************** and the ui file i atteched to you..but when i run the gui it shows me only 0.000000 value why???
**** a=(3.3*value)/1024; n=a; } return(value); } **** This function will always return -1. Don't you want it to return a ? n=a; Do you use n somewhere?
Next I would display the value the ADC is returning directly from /dev Are you sure it is /dev/adc ? I would have thought there would be a following number, ie /dev/adc4 or ? What do you see if you do: ls /dev/adc* When you find the right ADC then do: cat /dev/adcx (x being the number you want to display)
Which touchscreen are you using? The mini2440 earlier variants used adc0, adc1, adc2 and adc3 for the touchscreen.
hello davef, i am using a70 with it.. it is working fine but when i start adc and twist the port i doesn't change the value but when i press stop button and again press start button it shows the actual value..... mean to say it doesn't change the value with twisting the pot.
So, the A70 is a resistive touchscreen not a 1-wire touchscreen? > but when i press stop button and again press start button it shows the > actual value..... Do you mean if you set the pot, say 1/2 way and press stop and again press start it will read a certain value? Then if you move the pot to another position and press stop and again press start it will read another value? If that what is happening then perhaps the code is written to only read the ADC value when you press the start button. Sounds reasonable to me. If you want it to continuously update the value, say every second, then you will need a loop to tell your program that "you have pressed the start button". You might need to handle a "stop the ADC" condition as well.
hi davef, thanks for it... i did as you told me here is the code which i have use the loop **************************************************************************vvoid HelloForm::startadc() { while(1) { char conv_buffer0[10]; int i = 0; float adc_val_ch0=0; for (i =0;i <5;i++) { adc_val_ch0 = getadc(); snprintf(conv_buffer0,10,"%f",adc_val_ch0); ADC_0->setText(conv_buffer0); } } void HelloForm::stopadc() { //int a = 0; Message->setText("Stopped"); ADC_0->setText(" "); } ************************************************************************* but the programme hangs out in gui when press the start button....... so plzz give me any idea...
First let's clean up the formatting ... HelloForm::startadc() { while(1) { char conv_buffer0[10]; int i = 0; float adc_val_ch0 = 0; for (i = 0;i < 5;i++) { adc_val_ch0 = getadc(); snprintf(conv_buffer0, 10, "%f", adc_val_ch0); ADC_0 -> setText(conv_buffer0); } } } oops, I had to add another closing brace! Did the program compile correctly? Did you see anything displayed?
yes!!! this compile successfully without any error and warning. but when i push the start button it goes hang....mean no value..and no button works.
A helpful debugging technique for people without proper debug tools goes like this: sprinkle print statements through the code to determine how far you get before it "falls-over". Flashing a LED is a common technique when working on a microprocessor. The fact that you could get it to display one value by pressing stop and then start seems to indicate that something was almost working. Make sure it behaves like this when you take the loop back out. Good luck!