Ubuntu-1504 on Smart210

I created Ubuntu-1504 on smart210 you can get zImage (3.0.8) and mlc image


Kernel source here: https://github.com/neochapay/linux-tiny210v2

I give zip of root directory with qemu-static - you can choot to them


I create user ubuntu and gave him pass 123456 but i can login :)

I update images all works fine. And add autologin on tty1 console.
Next steep - runing wayland

Dude how did you do this? 
Is LCD and touch working great?
I don't have a Smart210 but I have Tiny4412 and I really appreciate it if
you do this for Tiny4412 (Ubuntu + LCD & Touch)

>Dude how did you do this? 
Do what ? ubuntu i create from debbootstrap :) Кernel build from

>Is LCD and touch working great?
Now i just run console - graphics it next steep

>I don't have a Smart210 but I have Tiny4412 and I really appreciate it if
you do this for Tiny4412 (Ubuntu + LCD & Touch)

I don`t nave Tiny4412. It is expensive for me - half the salary :)