SDFlaher on Linux


This is a quite frequently asked question on this forum and others, but
none of the topics did actually come to a clear answer. So here's the
question :

Is there a way to do the same job as SDFlasher.exe on Linux ?

The program actually runs with Wine but doesn't recognize the SD-card.
The other solution would be to use the 'dd' command but there is no full
image available to copy on the SD card, cause the SD flasher program use
multiple images available on the CD given with the card. 
Is there a full image available somewhere to copy it directly with 'dd' on
the SD card ? Or can we find the exact partitions to create and images to
copy on each partition of the card to have the same work done as
SDFlasher.exe ?

Thanks !

PS : I don't know if this is useful but i'm using a mini210s card.