Developing tiny6410 (autorun+GUI+API)

Theerapat Prasongkul
Hi, I'm very new in embedded and also Linux programming.

I want to develop program runs on Tiny6410 board with Linux. But what I
know for now is only how to use Superboot for installing Linux,WinCE on
that board.

My goal for now is to learn about libraries(if it has) for work with
interfaces of board such as LCD, USB ports, LAN port, Serial ports, buttons
by coding in C/C++ (or better if there's some visual design program).

Are there libraries for me to use? and what's step do I have to do. How can
I set up environments for this programming?(I found only guide for setting
up env for mini2440, any links for tiny6410? or it's the same)

And more. Is it possible for me to program with GUI interfaces? Somethings
like real program on PC, not command line working?

As I think for now is not gonna use Qt because I think I'll comment out
line opening Qtopia in file init.d/rcS and insert the command that calls my
program to work automatically.

Operation that I wish it's gonna be like 
Tiny6410 Board(HW) <(interface)< Linux(Libraries) <(call functions)< My
Program(compiled C/C++)

Sorry if my bad english make you confused,

Theerapat Prasongkul
Example of program I want to do first is,

Turn on the board and it'll prompt out the "Hello, world" which is not in
text-mode (maybe Picture of alphabets).

Able to play sound/buzzer/something easy.

And if I pressed (K8) button, it'll automatically shutdown.

**I wonder how can I copy compiled program to the board if the board won't
be able to access Qtopia or command-line (because it'll be running my
program). Is there the way I don't imagine about ?