Hi, I'm trying to change the frequency of the CPU and LCD, but I can't seem to get my head around the settings. I setup the CPU clock in my startup file as follows: ldr r0,=CLKDIVN ldr r1,=0b0010 ldr r0,=UPLLCON ldr r1,=0x00038022 ;48MHz str r1,[r0] nop nop nop nop nop nop nop ldr r0,=MPLLCON ldr r1,=0x000ad022 ;271.5MHz str r1,[r0] So the crystal on board clock (Fin) is at 12MHz. The USB clock (UCLK)is set at 48MHz as recommended. And the MPLLCON value (HCLK) is set to give me 271.5MHz, but with the CLKDIVN dividing it down by 2. My LCD configuration is as follows: rLCDCON1 = (2 << 8); //clkval The LCD clock is dependant on HCLK, which should be 135.75MHz. Which would give me a VCLK value of 33MHz if CLKVAL is set to 2. Is this procedure in determining the LCD clk right? Or am I missing something? Now I'm try to get VCLK approximately 40MHz, so that would be HCLK = 160MHz, which would mean MPLLCON = 0x00044011 (304MHz), and CLKDIVN = 0b0010. However the mini2440 halts when the CLKDIVN is set to make HCLK equal to FCLK or FCLK/2 (CLKDIVN=0b0010 or =0b0000) Has anyone got any suggestions how to configure the clock and pll? Or better explanation on how the clock works? Thanks!