Determine GPIO number in tiny210

Hi everybody,

I'm using tiny210 board, this board use S5PV210 processor, now I want to
control GPIO from GPIO sysfs interface, so I must to use somes command like
these :

echo 160 > /sys/class/gpio/export
echo "out" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio160/direction

In above example, 160 is a GPIO number, but I don't know how to determine
GPIO number according to GPIO pin, eg: I want to control GPH2_0, but don't
know how to determine GPIO number of GPH2_0 pin.

Does anyone know how to determine GPIO number in this case ? Thanks for
your help !

Hi everybody,

It's take me 2 days to find out GPIO number. This is the result :


0  A0
9  A1
14  B
23  C0
29  C1
35  D0
40  D1
47  E0
56  E1
62  F0
71  F1
80  F2
89  F3
96  G0
104  G1
112  G2
120  G3
128  H0
137  H1
146  H2
155  H3
164  I
172  J0
181  J1
188  J2
197  J3
206  J4

Amol Palshetkar
How did you find out?

Probably looked them up in the schematics, datasheet and user manual :-D

hi pk178
i want to use GPIO pins on Tiny210 board.
can u send me sample code for use GPIO ?