problem while booting linux on mini6410


I'm trying to run a patched kernel on mini6410 from sdcard. the super
terminal gives me the following feedback and then it seems like the board
turns off because i get no more feedback from it. here's what i have on my
super terminal :

bRunning OS 'LINUX'
Loading kernel...
file: /images/Linux/zImage: 2 MB(3095420 Byte)
Load kernel succeed
Start Linux kernel...
Uncompressing Linux... done, booting the kernel.

I wanna know what have i done wrong, here are the steps i followed for
making my card:
1) i downloaded the kernel 3.0.101 from the repository

2) patched it with the patch available on timesys repositories for

3) patched it with rtlinux patch.

4)exported the image successfully.

5)used the sdflasher to burn superboot on my sdcard.

6) created images folder and filled it properly.

Thanks in advance.

do you have links to these repositories?  Hard to tell what's gone wrong
from the limited description you've given us.

here's the patch for linux-3.0 to make it work on mini6410 from timesys :

and from here i got the kernel 3.0.101 and it's rtlinux patch :

well i think the problem is that i started this kernel with the fs image
for qtopia, may be if i used ubuntu's filesystem it may work, the problem
is that i cannot find mkext3image yet.

Hi again,

just for your information, i tried to boot it using ubuntu's fs but it
seems that it stops at the same step. any help or answer of any kind would
be appreciated

thanks in advance.

full links of tlinux patch and kernel that i used : 

patch :

kernel :