Hello everyone. I wanted to see if anyone has been able to run Windows embedded compact 7 on mini210s. Currently I am trying to porting the WinCE6 bsp to WEC7 but it is not an easy task. My interest is based on the fact to use to use the ARMv7 instruction set which has the uP, instead of using WinCE6 ARMV4I. Much better if the BSP for windows embedded 2013. The latter uses AMRV7T2 that using the set Thumb2 achieves 20% more efficient than ARMv7. Why have lagged so far behind the BSP for windows CE?
Windows Embedded compact 7.
Hi dezso, thanks for your comment, it's very important to know how many people are waiting for this. I was working with android, is very good, but is not a RTOS, even more if time is important, JAVA programing with a virtual machine running, bye bye timing. Qtopia is good, but since march 3 of 2009 is discontinued. WinCE 7 and WinCe2013 is a good choice for OEM developer, time to market, good know interface, but until now are not supported by friendlyARM. It will be good to know if FriendlyArm is working on this, because android is the only OS that is now really supported. Using winCe6 is form AMRV4 (like mini2440) not for cortex A8 that is an ARMV7 with NEON, FPU , and THUMB2 instruction set. Mindee can you tell us what friendlyarm is thinking to do?.
hi Ferite, yes I tried it, I made some software and is working good. But de diference between wce6 and wec7 is that wce6 use our mini210 like an arm9 (mini2440 with 1Ghz clock), and wec7 uses mini210 like an cortex A8, even more wec213 that uses thumb2 instruction set gets 20% more eficient code. I want to use the full hardware that I have. http://www.arm.com/products/processors/classic/arm9/index.php http://www.arm.com/products/processors/cortex-a/cortex-a8.php Best Regards
Hi Alejandro, I don't use WindowsCE nor WEC7, but I've seen there was a BSP for mango210 board. It is very similar to our mini210. Maybe you can adapt it to suit your needs? www.mangoboard.com Best regards
Hi all. First of all, Screwface, I saw your comment and I will try using mangoboard bsp. Ferite, winCE6 doesnot support captouch. Thanks to all.
Hi Alejandro, did you try WCE7 BSP from mango210? I've tried to install ready image of WEC7 from mango, but it is not working.
I have successfully ported BSP of MINI210S from CE 6 to Compact 7. Everything is working plus working USBOTG driver source code because the pre-built OTG driver supplied by FA is not working on Compact 7. Also, full memory has been utilized by implementing OEMRamTable new feature of Compact 7.
It's time to dust of my Mini210 :) Hopping to see a public release of that bsp if that's possible, or low cost at least ;)
Hello everyone, Even I am interested to know how to install Windows Embedded in the Friendly ARM Mini 2440. It is currently running on WinCE 6.0. I want to remove this and install the windows embedded image. I'd be grateful if anyone provides the step-by-step process as I am not very good at OS stuff. Thank you.
Hi Alejandro i have Tiny 210 and im so interested about WinCE7, i tried to get some Information about it so i can work with that, please keep us informed about your work, i'll be grateful BR.