Dear All,

We have worked with bring-up the BSP for Altera Cyclone V processor.Now we
were working with kitl through ethernet and We got some kitl debug
print.After some time "System gone to Hang".I have given Platform builder
Debug prints as well as what're the prints we got in UART.

******************* UART Prints **********************

DHCP Renew successful, IP =, Lease time = 300 seconds
-KitlEthDecode(pData = 0x0, length = 369)
KITL: DHCP get device IP:
VBridge:: built on [Aug 22 2013] time [16:09:12]
VBridgeInit()...TX = [16384] bytes -- Rx = [16384] bytes
Tx buffer [0x860E1D80] to [0x860E5D80].
Rx buffer [0x860E5DA0] to [0x860E9DA0].
VBridge:: NK add MAC: [0-11-22-33-44-55]
-OALKitlEthInit(rc = 1)
-OEMKitlInit(rc = 1)
Connecting to Desktop
+KitlEthGetDevCfg(0x860E0F06, 0xFFFFC4E0->1450)
-KitlEthGetDevCfg(rc = 1)
 KITLConnectToDesktop: Including 12 bytes of custom transport config data.
 KITLConnectToDesktop: Encoding packet
+KitlEthEncode( 8x, -2045899072)
-KitlEthEncode(rc = 1)
 KITLConnectToDesktop: Sending to CFG to desktop
+KitlEthSend(0x860E0EC0, 82)
-KitlEthSend(rc = 1)
+KitlEthDecode(0x860E14E0, 0xFFFFC4EC->86)
-KitlEthDecode(pData = 0x0, length = 86)
KitlRecvFrame: Received Unhandled frame
+KitlEthDecode(0x860E14E0, 0xFFFFC4EC->86)
-KitlEthDecode(pData = 0x0, length = 86)
KitlRecvFrame: Received Unhandled frame
+KitlEthDecode(0x860E14E0, 0xFFFFC4EC->60)
-KitlEthDecode(pData = 0x0, length = 60)
KitlRecvFrame: Received Unhandled frame
 KITLConnectToDesktop: Sending to CFG to desktop
+KitlEthSend(0x860E0EC0, 82)
-KitlEthSend(rc = 1)
+KitlEthDecode(0x860E14E0, 0xFFFFC4EC->60)
-KitlEthDecode(pData = 0x0, length = 60)
KitlRecvFrame: Received Unhandled frame
+KitlEthDecode(0x860E14E0, 0xFFFFC4EC->60)
-KitlEthDecode(pData = 0x0, length = 60)
KitlRecvFrame: Received Unhandled frame
+KitlEthDecode(0x860E14E0, 0xFFFFC4EC->60)
-KitlEthDecode(pData = 0x0, length = 60)
KitlRecvFrame: Received Unhandled frame
+KitlEthDecode(0x860E14E0, 0xFFFFC4EC->60)
-KitlEthDecode(pData = 0x0, length = 60)
KitlRecvFrame: Received Unhandled frame
+KitlEthDecode(0x860E14E0, 0xFFFFC4EC->60)
-KitlEthDecode(pData = 0x0, length = 60)
KitlRecvFrame: Received Unhandled frame
+KitlEthDecode(0x860E14E0, 0xFFFFC4EC->86)
-KitlEthDecode(pData = 0x0, length = 86)
KitlRecvFrame: Received Unhandled frame
+KitlEthDecode(0x860E14E0, 0xFFFFC4EC->118)
-KitlEthDecode(pData = 0x0, length = 118)
KitlRecvFrame: Received Unhandled frame
+KitlEthDecode(0x860E14E0, 0xFFFFC4EC->60)
-KitlEthDecode(pData = 0x0, length = 60)
KitlRecvFrame: Received Unhandled frame
+KitlEthDecode(0x860E14E0, 0xFFFFC4EC->60)
-KitlEthDecode(pData = 0x0, length = 60)
KitlRecvFrame: Received Unhandled frame
+KitlEthDecode(0x860E14E0, 0xFFFFC4EC->60)
-KitlEthDecode(pData = 0x0, length = 60)
KitlRecvFrame: Received Unhandled frame
+KitlEthDecode(0x860E14E0, 0xFFFFC4EC->60)
-KitlEthDecode(pData = 0x0, length = 60)
KitlRecvFrame: Received Unhandled frame
+KitlEthDecode(0x860E14E0, 0xFFFFC4EC->92)
-KitlEthDecode(pData = 0x0, length = 92)
KitlRecvFrame: Received Unhandled frame
+KitlEthDecode(0x860E14E0, 0xFFFFC4EC->92)
-KitlEthDecode(pData = 0x0, length = 92)
KitlRecvFrame: Received Unhandled frame
 KITLConnectToDesktop: Sending to CFG to desktop
+KitlEthSend(0x860E0EC0, 82)
-KitlEthSend(rc = 1)
+KitlEthDecode(0x860E14E0, 0xFFFFC4EC->86)
-KitlEthDecode(pData = 0x0, length = 86)
KitlRecvFrame: Received Unhandled frame
+KitlEthDecode(0x860E14E0, 0xFFFFC4EC->60)
-KitlEthDecode(pData = 0x0, length = 60)
KitlRecvFrame: Received Unhandled frame
+KitlEthDecode(0x860E14E0, 0xFFFFC4EC->94)
KITL: Connected host  IP:  Port: 1215
-KitlEthDecode(pData = 0x860E150A, length = 52)
<<KITLRecv ADMIN TRANSPORT CONFIG, flag = 0x1F, DataLen: 44
 KeyIndex 0 not set on host
 KeyIndex 1 not set on host
 KeyIndex 2 not set on host
 KeyIndex 3 not set on host
 KeyIndex 4 not set on host
 KeyIndex 5 not set on host
 KeyIndex 6 not set on host
 KeyIndex 7 not set on host
KITL connected with Desktop
+KITLRegisterDfltClient, service:0
+AllocClient: ServiceName: 'DBGMSG', Flags: 0x00.
 AllocClient: Allocating single-instance service.
    ServiceName:           'DBGMSG'
    ServiceId:             0
    ServiceInstanceId:     255
    Flags:                 0x00
-AllocClient: ec: 0x00000000, ppClient: 0xFFFFC4B0.
+KITLRegisterDfltClient, service:1
+AllocClient: ServiceName: 'PPSH', Flags: 0x00.
 AllocClient: Allocating single-instance service.
    ServiceName:           'PPSH'
    ServiceId:             1
    ServiceInstanceId:     255
    Flags:                 0x00
-AllocClient: ec: 0x00000000, ppClient: 0xFFFFC4B0.
Waiting for service 'DBGMSG' to connect..., fBlock = 0
ProcessAdminMsg: Receive Config message for service DBGMSG
ProcessAdminMsg: Receive Config message for service PPSH
ProcessAdminMsg: Receive Config message for service DBGMSG
+KITLRegisterDfltClient, service:2
+AllocClient: ServiceName: 'KDBG', Flags: 0x00.
 AllocClient: Allocating single-instance service.
    ServiceName:           'KDBG'
    ServiceId:             2
    ServiceInstanceId:     255
    Flags:                 0x00
-AllocClient: ec: 0x00000000, ppClient: 0xC480FC10.
ProcessAdminMsg: Receive Config message for service KDBG
ProcessClientMsg: KD packet received while not in syscall - tossed (seq =
--KdpManipulateBreakPoint Status = 0x00000103
--KdpManipulateBreakPoint Status = 0x00000103
--KdpManipulateBreakPoint Status = 0x00000103
--KdpManipulateBreakPoint Status = 0x00000103

********************UART Prints End******************

*******************Platform Debug Prints*************

(Corecon) Download complete.
(Corecon) Download complete.
4294767296 PID:0 TID:2 Initializing VFP, FPSID=41033094
4294767296 PID:0 TID:2 NKStartup done, starting up kernel. nCpus = 1
4294767296 PID:0 TID:2 Windows CE KernelInit
4294767296 PID:0 TID:2 Booting Windows CE version 7.00 for (ARM)
4294767296 PID:0 TID:2 Memory Configuring: Total pages: 227618, Filesystem
pages = 28452
4294767296 PID:0 TID:2 Booting kernel with clean memory configuration:
4294767296 PID:0 TID:2 Total Memory Sections:4
4294767296 PID:0 TID:2 [0] (static): start: 860da000, extension/attributes:
0003f000, length: 0fa22000
4294767296 PID:0 TID:2 [1] (dynamic): start: 00181000,
extension/attributes: 00040800, length: 10000000
4294767296 PID:0 TID:2 [2] (dynamic): start: 00281000,
extension/attributes: 00040800, length: 10000000
4294767296 PID:0 TID:2 [3] (dynamic): start: 00381000,
extension/attributes: 00020800, length: 07f00000
4294767296 PID:400002 TID:410002 Scheduling the first thread.
4294767312 PID:400002 TID:410002 PGPOOL: Reserved 768 pages for Loader pool
4294767313 PID:400002 TID:410002 PGPOOL: Reserved 256 pages for File pool
4294767317 PID:400002 TID:410002 OSAXST0: Platform Name = Cyclone V Dev kit
4294767321 PID:400002 TID:410002 OSAXST1: >>> Loading Module 'kd.dll'
(0xC080209C) at address 0xEFFE0000-0xEFFFE000 in Process 'NK.EXE'
4294767321 PID:400002 TID:410002 KD: Starting kernel debugger software
probe (KdStub) - KD API version 27
4294767377 PID:400002 TID:410002 OSAXST1: >>> Loading Module 'NK.EXE'
(0x860BCAD0) at address 0x80200000-0x80223000

*********************Platform Debug Prints***********************