Hi, I have to modify nandflash driver for mini210s in WinCE6 BSP. Altough, its source code is exists in the BSP (in .\SRC\COMMON\NANDFLASH\FMD and .\SRC\DRIVERS\NANDFLASH folders) but they projects are not placed in default build tree. Instead, nandflash.dll can be found in .\FILES folder (in compiled binary form) and this file is used by makeimg. Unfortunately, I cannot build nandflash.dll because I got some compilation error about missing STEPLDR_LENGTH constant. This would define the length of steploader (and, I think, bootloader logo also). I cannot determine this constant because sources of SuperBoot are not available. Some information: BSP: Mini210-CE6-Suite-1313.exe SuperBoot210.bin: 540672 bytes, 2013-03-27 03:57:57 My BSP is newer than what I can download from the FTP (it was in DVD of the purchased board). Questions: 1. Is there a newer BSP than 1313? Where can I download it from? 2. Has anybody the correct (buildable) source files for mini210s nandflash driver? Thanks for any help. Peter