Hello! I bought a Tiny210v2 developer board with 512MB RAM, 2GB Flash and a 7" Capacitive touch screen. I want to use Wince 6.0, because I'm a .NET developer. I tried the original Wince image, and later I built my own image from the BSP. Both of them are works, but I found a weird thing. After the system booted up, the System Properties menu General tab shows: Memory 247616KB Ram. Is it normal? I know the whole system load into the RAM, but the packed image (NK.bin) size only 40MB. I think the unpacked size can't be so large. (More than 256MB) What should I do to get more RAM? Thanks.
Tiny210v2 RAM problem
So, anyone didn't answer my question, but I found a solution for my problem. I set up ROM only file system, and now I can use the whole memory as RAM, and the board doesn't forget the settings after reboot. I tried to expand the memory like the following tutorial says, but the Wince couldn't properly. http://m.blog.csdn.net/blog/S5PV210_DevBoard/7939728 Anyone tried this?
BSquare and Microsoft have become too hard to work with. CE6r3 is now 2 generations behind MS current embedded offerings. I know ARMWorks has stopped supporting in any way that requires rebuilding with Platform Builder. They will pass along the Samsung BSP or test version, but you need to find a CE6 expert if it won't do what you need. Plus since they are in the US, they will need to know if you are licensing from MS/BSquare.
Hi csibori! I also meet some problems as you about memory RAM (windows only have 247616KB ). I also set up ROM only file system, but Wince image couldn't work. After, run start-up screen is screen turn off and window couldn't run. Please, can you help me solve problem about ROM-only file system.
Hello Dang Khoa! Enabling the ROM-Only file system in the catalog isn't enough. You should change the platform.reg like this: IF BSP_NONANDFS ! [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\BuiltIn\NANDFLASH] "Prefix"="DSK" "Dll"="flashmdd.dll" "FlashPddDll"="nandflash.dll" ;"Index"=dword:1 "Order"=dword:0 "FriendlyName"="NAND FLASH Driver" "Profile"="NANDFLASH" "IClass"="{A4E7EDDA-E575-4252-9D6B-4195D48BB865}" IF IMGHIVEREG "Flags"=dword:1000 ENDIF IMGHIVEREG [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\StorageManager\AutoLoad\NANDFLASH] "DriverPath"="Drivers\\BuiltIn\\NANDFLASH" "LoadFlags"=dword:1 ; load synchronously "BootPhase"=dword:0 IF IMGHIVEREG "MountAsBootable"=dword:1 ; for Hive-based registry ENDIF IMGHIVEREG "AutoMount"=dword:1 "MountFlags"=dword:0 IF SYSGEN_FSREGHIVE "MountAsBootable"=dword:1 "MountPermanent"=dword:1 ; Only if SYSGEN_FSROMONLY ENDIF [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\StorageManager\Profiles\NANDFLASH] "Name"="NANDFLASH" "DefaultFileSystem"="FATFS" "PartitionDriver"="flashpart.dll" "Folder"="NANDFlash" "AutoPart"=dword:1 "AutoFormat"=dword:1 "AutoMount"=dword:1 "MountFlags"=dword:0 IF SYSGEN_FSREGHIVE "MountAsBootable"=dword:1 "MountPermanent"=dword:1 ; Only if SYSGEN_FSROMONLY ENDIF "MountAsRoot"=dword:1 ENDIF BSP_NONANDFS ! It works for me. Sorry for replying so late, but I'm working an another project these days.