Hello, Does anyone have an primitive absolute user app example that can be compiled with gcc? Rockbox and RT Thread projects are quite big and complicated -that doesn't make them a good start point for creating own absolute apps. I can't find small project with complete linker script (.lds file) and assembler boot/startup file. Can anyony help me? BR, Damian
Linker script and startup.s for s3c2440
Check the u-boot source code for linker script and startup file. It may be useful for compiling with arm-elf-gcc. U can check the following site for ARM7 and ARM9 sample codes. http://www.siwawi.arubi.uni-kl.de/avr_projects/arm_projects/ Iam also trying to compile sample programs with arm-elf-gcc. If you can find any sample codes, pls let me know.
hi, the vboot is small (< 4KB), and is compiled with gcc. the vboot is for booting the Linux only. download link: http://www.arm9.net/download.asp regards mindee
Hi, I think, vivi has a command to run standalone programs using one of the options in vivi. Regards, Ram