Dear All, I have recently bought Mini2440 1GB Development board. I have tried changing os from linux to WINCE 6.0 for that i have religiously followed the wince download tutorial...after doing all the steps correctly (related W35 image (english) of wince 6.0)... i am not able to configure touch screen with the option on boot up (one wire/ADC)...system hangs to this point...please help me Regards, hgaurav
W35 Touch Screen not configure
Hi Gaurav You can use the mouse and then go to control panel -> Stylus -> Calibration the touch screen
Dear tn88test, Is it possible to calibrate the TS as it is not even taking a touch event. My screen hangs with two options : one wire interface and ADC I'll try your method and let you know. Regards, hgaurav
Dear All, I have tried using mouse and recalibrating the ts through control panel->stylus-> recalibrate menu...the pointer (x mark)on the screen does not move....what would be the problem. Regards, hgaurav
Hi Gaurav! When you recalibrate, you have to use your finger or a pen to touch the x mark on screen.
Dear tn88test, it is very but obvious to use finger or stylus or pen to recalibrate the screen...the x mark is very adamant...i have tried the Chinese version of wince5.0 and wince6.0 it works perfectly fine...please help me out of this. Regards, hgaurav