Having trouble with u-boot setup.

M Jones
I am currently attempting to set up an android installation on an sd card
usung u-boot.

Currently attempting using info found on site: 

Something is going wrong when I get to the step where I restart the board
from NAND. U-boot is not coming back when I power the board back on, so I
am currently unable to set the environment to boot off of SD card.

I did get beyond that point one time and did set the environment variables
according to the website:
MINI2440 # setenv bootargs console=ttySAC0,115200 root=/dev/mmcblk0p3
rootfstype=ext3 mini2440=1tb rootdelay=3 init=/linuxrc
MINI2440 # setenv bootcmd mmcinit \; ext2load mmc 0:2 0x31000000 uImage \;
bootm 0x31000000
MINI2440 # saveenv

After that, when android did not come up, I redid all the steps from the
beginning and now when I restart the board in NAND mode, nothing happens.

Could it be that there is something wrong with my sd card setup or is there
something else going on?
