Unable to setup Qt development environment


Got a new mini2440 kit. 

1. Am able to power it on.
2. Installed the gnu tool chain: arm-linux-gcc-4.3.2 (installed to
/usr/local/arm path.....)
3. Able to compile hello program and copy it onto the target.
4. Displays the output fine.
5. Could do all this in 3 hours

NOW after 1 week: No Progress.

1. I am using ubuntu 9.10 (Freshly installed).
2. Can someone please guide me on step-step procedure for setting up Qt
development environment. I would like to build a Qt application (hello
world), compile of the host and copy it to mini2440.

Please help.....



Thanks for the link davef. But it doesn't lead me much. As I mentioned
earlier I have ubuntu 9.10 freshly installed and... the first step of
installing QT from the software center says the version isn't supported

I would like to know If I can setup the QT development environment on
ubuntu 12.04/12.10. 

What is the procedure for installation.

Is it?
1. Fresh Load the OS (12.04/12.10).
2. Install QT Creator 
3. Extract the arm-linux-gcc-4.4.3.tar.gz to the usr/local/arm path...
4. Set the PATH variable for arm-linux-gcc compiler
5. extract "qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.6.3.tar.gz" to /usr/local/Qt
6. From here,i end up with all compilation errors and am not able to
progress. I can provide the log of errors if needed. 

Please help me out,