Hello everyone. For several days I tried to generate an image of WinCE 6.0 for my mni210s with 4.3 "touch screen. Course the first thing is to try what we can download FTP FriendlyARM could compile, but the nk.bin generated not finish loading. Then try to create my own "OSdesign" but I got compilation errors. I finally got my first nk.nb0 bootable by installing the latest update WinCE. This is in the data sheet mini210. Wincepb60-121231-Product-Update-Rollup-armv4i.msi For those who have compilation problems after installing this update, I recommend you delete everything inside the folder C: \ WINCE600 \ OSDesigns, and reinstall the "mini210-ce6-suite-xxxx.msi" (the most current). If you still have compile errors follow these steps: 1) Build-> Clean Mini210-in (in my case "mini210-in" is the name of my project) 2) Build-> Clean Solution 3) Build-> Advanced Build Commands-> Clean Sysgen. Now I'm on my own WinCE image. THE touch pad still not working. Good luck