Hi after some times i could drive my board(s3C6410) and i install wince on it i can't access gpio in this board in c# please someone help me dezso(one of users) take me an image and i install it on my board but i haven't example code
Sample code for GPIO + S3C6410 Board
I'm currently working on different platform, don't have this project on my PC, will try to dig it out but i will take time, weeks perhaps.. Technically speaking C# can't really access GPIO registers, so its done thru a DLL layer, I'm not very good in C++, managed to modify some existing code to meet my needs but I wouldn't volunteer to write something like this for you :)
Dear Dezso i am a professional c programmer please give me the code that written by c++ , i need it :(
Hello Hiwa, For GPIO codes refer DOMODOM's gpio program for ARM-9. It helped me a lot. Its well written and easy to understand. -Sumeet Thakre thakresumeet@gmail.com