Hi, I recently get my mini2440. I developed a Qt application with Qt creator 2.4.1 but i don't Know how cross compile it to work on the mini2440. All the threads that I checked here or in other sites are just talking about how to cross compile Qt for embedded to be installed on the mini2440 but not how to cross compile an a Qt application to be launched instead of Qtopia. Any body can help me here! Thank you for your consideration !
Cross Compiling Qt application for the mini2440
I think you will find that there is no difference as far as the cross-compiled Qt application goes. There have been a few postings on how to get your own Qt application to run instead of Qtopia. From memory ... in /etc/init.d/rcS there is a line which fires up Qtopia comment it out then in terminal just launch your Qt application on the command line. So, follow a tutorial like http://mini2440vietnam.blogspot.co.nz/2011/05/programming-application-fo... and come back with your questions.