hello my name is jeffrey and need to make a graphical interface to control a digital potentiometer MCP41010 http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/devicedoc/11195c.pdf but so far I could not find how to control this port from simple gui aplication in Qt creator, someone can help me is of the utmost urgency
Control gpio in c + + Qt creator for arm mini2440
This is a SPI controlled device. Getting SPI to work on the mini2440 is a moderately difficult task. Integrating that with a Qt application is probably a bigger job. Which kernel have you decided to start with? Do you know how to cross-compile kernels after you have ticked the right boxes in kernelconfig?
GPIO I HAVE ACTIVATED MY CARD, BUT I NEED TO WORK IN A GRAPHIC INTERFACE THAT YOU CAN HANDLE ME BUT I HAVE NOT BEEN ABLE TO BUILD. I CAN ONLY BE HANDLED THROUGH COMMANDS IN TERMINAL UBUNTU .. FOR EXAMPLE .. [root@FriendlyARM /]#cd sys/class/gpio [root@FriendlyARM gpio]#echo 160 > export [root@FriendlyARM gpio]#echo "high" > gpio160/direction [root@FriendlyARM gpio]#echo "low" > gpio160/direction AND NO PLACE LIKE THESE COMMANDS IN AN APPLICATION OF QT CREATOR. Anyone know?
Well, you have to write these userspace commands into a Qt project. Maybe this helps http://mini2440vietnam.blogspot.co.nz/2011/05/programming-application-fo... specifically this one: http://mini2440vietnam.blogspot.co.nz/2012/06/control-leds-on-mini2440-b...
Appears he use kernel calls, however there should be other tutorials out there on doing it from userspace, if you want to.
thanks for the links and I have worked and as such the designs and run in the arm2440 me but what I need is to be able to address in the code. cpp activation of GPIO ... as for example in this project: http://qt.electronics.cat/mini6410/mini6410_004.html the path is: system("./root/Applications/electronics.cat/proves/gpk8_13w 0 0");
Looks like a well-constructed example. All you have to do is port the code to the mini2440, ie to one of the available GPIO on the GPIO connector (port G?). I don't know if this need changing: #define MAP_SIZE 4096UL #define MAP_MASK (MAP_SIZE - 1) Good luck!
is there any issue with this code is for a arm6410 and not for arm2440, I say this because this code handles other different com to com4
Yes, there will be issues ... that is what porting code to another bit of hardware involves. Where is com4 mentioned? As the code is written for cross-compiled for ARM Linux I'd be surprised if there were references to COM ports.
Jeffrey, what is the problem to use open(), write(), close() in your Qt application on the "/sys/class/gpio" file entries? The 'echo' shell command is doing the same when you run it.
https://gitorious.org/mini2440-qt-gpio-library I have nothing else to say, apart from google is very useful for this kind of thing.
any chance someone has an example like this Qt application? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NxD-PbCk8Pc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4M3W7iTIN_8
click on the source tree button in the link I posted, there is a project setup by the looks of things. I have zero experience with qt so I can't advise further. I'm guessing you've got to compile it as a qt app. the build_arm file appears to be a script to do the compilation for you, I'm guessing you've just got to put those libs/includes in teh right place.