Hi, I am new to Linux and S3C6410. Referring the manual i tried to cross compile for 6410. But the manual tells just to extract the cross compiler folder. The commands as follows cd /witech mkdir /usr/local/arm tar xjvf cross-4.2.2-eabi.tar.bz2 -C /usr/local/arm Only the above command is enough? I also tried to install bootloader with following codes in manual: tar xzf u-boot-1.1.6-2636.tgz cd u-boot1.1.6 make smdk6410_config make But i get the error as arm-linux-gcc not found.I also install arm-linux-gcc with this command : sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi Kindly guide me with step by step procedure to install cross-compiler and boot-loader I also attached the manual for S3C6410 Thanks & Regards Pradeep
Check out this tutorial http://code.google.com/p/mini6410-debian/wiki/Tutorial#7._Compiling_the_... - see step 7 for a cros-compiler, and copy n paste instructions on how to use it.