size of LCD mini2440 in QT

Hi there,

I'm wrriting an application in Qt on mini2440 but when i take project to
mini2440, my buttons is very small.

Please tell me size of LCD mini2440 which i can drag to fit with my LCD

And a question anymore :D 
What is Boa browser on mini2440? i only see Konqueror Browser :D 
 My LCD is x35, so can i build kernel with which LCD ? 

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,


There are environment variables that you can set to control size of the
image on the target and I thought you could also do that in your Qt



and you might see something like:

QWS_DISPLAY=LinuxFb:nographics ........ :mmWidth=120:mmHeight=160

then there are variables you can set to different values, for example

setenv QWS_DISPLAY=LinuxFb:nographics ........ :mmWidth=240:mmHeight=320 



Try that and see what happens.  Or better still find out how to set these
sizes in your Qt application.

Boa is a web server not browser

> My LCD is x35, so can i build kernel with which LCD ?

I think there are several different screens that you can compile for with
FriendlyArm or Pengutronix code sources.  If you try to use a mainline
kernel source ... then good luck!

thanks davef, you're kindly :D 

i have set size of widget 320x240 and it fit to my lcd.

Best regards.