I write a program to make a function named uart_printf,just as the printf in C.I use keil MDK,if I download it to nor flash or SDRAM,it's OK,but if I download it to nand flash,it'll dead. MY CODE are as the attachment. Here's some pic MY SETTING http://oi35.tinypic.com/wb6jwx.jpg THE simulation http://oi38.tinypic.com/34q8hes.jpg http://oi34.tinypic.com/kbet0w.jpg http://oi37.tinypic.com/2hmewoz.jpg HERE's MY uart_ptintf function .................. void uart0_printf(char *fmt,...) { va_list ap; char string[500]; va_start(ap,fmt); vsprintf(string,fmt,ap); uart0_sendstring(string); va_end(ap); } ..................