I write a program:pc send a char to the uart,afer the uart receive it it tarnsmite the char back ,but if I dont deay for sometime ,it seems that cant tarnsmite,just as the pic http://www.baidupcs.com/thumbnail/d9446ad3306ce9518a32001d7f9112e8?fid=1... my code are as fllowing 。。。。。。 Main.c 。。。。。。 http://www.baidupcs.com/thumbnail/06e1990dba5a8bc4f6de819078dd05f4?fid=1... 。。。。。 uart0.c 。。。。。 http://www.baidupcs.com/thumbnail/e42e1ae44cd379b4f860685b66e91a39?fid=1... 。。。。。 uart0.h 。。。。 http://www.baidupcs.com/thumbnail/8505d19ccbc24594b669f72aa10526b2?fid=1... BUT IF I ADD THE DELAY,IT WORKED OK!DOES anyone know wheres the problem
why does the uart transmite need to delay sometime
OK,how about now the uart transmit and receive pic https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8241/8594417594_071b883a66_z.jpg ....... Main.c ....... https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8106/8594417646_c3fd789c67_z.jpg ...... uart0.c ....... https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8369/8593317495_7913fde0ff_z.jpg
Errr,Im sorry,RS232,does this matter?? before I use it on the MSC51(AT89C52),it worked ok,I feel puzzled why the ARM9 not.Is ARM's handling speed slower than MSC51????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
I have seen issues on a RS-485 system that was "fixed" using a delay. Setting up the USART interrupts correctly is the proper way to sort the problem. Next, how have you set flow control? I don't think you will have a problem with 115200 baud on this platform. As far as max capability is concerned remember you have an operating system trying to work along side of your serial comms. Also, this is a 32 bit uP not like your MSC51 which is 8 bits. What is the max clock frquency for your MSC51. All your MSC51 is doing is serial comms as I doubt your are running an RTOS or OS on it.
Yeah,Im sure my intterrup setting is Ok,see here(only transmite) https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8385/8594080269_3f0a78b78e_o.jpg I dont use flow conrol,so setting this in the uart assistant https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8365/8595180248_52c0cdbf42_o.jpg Im very gloomy about this but I dont hv a simulation such as JLINK,OPENJTAG