tiny210s ??

Peter Benedetti
Hi everyone, I am new to FriendlyARM, and am very interested in somthing I
see on the Industrial armworks website linked here

My question is that the product says it is a tiny210s + lcd
but there is no mention of a tiny210s on the FriendlyARM website, I see a

so I am wondering what actual board and mod set I would get with purchase
of the product linked above

with any luck I will be interested in getting a few of these for a project.

If it's on the IndustrialArmworks andahammer website then it's a
friendlyarm product :)  Drop them an email, they're always happy to

Dave McLaughlin
I've purchased one of these from Andahammer and it works great. I have even
managed now to build the 4.0.3 source as a custom installation complete
with the Google Apps.

It's based on the Tiny210 V1.0 board. See here.


It would be great if it gets updated to this board but for now it works
very well.



Hi Peter, it looks like a typing mistake on the webpage, it should be
Tiny210SDK not just Tiny210S.

I have the Tiny210V2 with the 7" Capacitive LCD and its a great board.
Click on the A8-Cortex tab on the main page and it will show the models
available on the andahammer website.