We decided to use Mini6410 in our instrument. So far (when we plan to sell within USA) we are good. But when FrendlyArm is going to sell RoHS-complient versions of Mini6410. We need those to sell our instruments outside of USA.
RoHS compliance
ARMWorks is getting RoHS "Black Edition" versions of the boards soon. A few things are changed for OEMs, like a header instead of the pot and such. First will be the Mini210s,the others will follow.
I'd like to know the schedule of such releases (particularly for Mini6410). Cause it affects the crucial decision: wait for FriendlyARM, or design own clone of Mini6410 (and build it locally, in RoHS assembly house). Surely, I don't want to go latter way. But if it's the ONLY way to get boards in time, I'll have to do that. It would be nice if FriendlyARM can provide gerbers and BOM (our company will sign NDA if required).
Genpix. ARMWorks can get RoHS now for 6410 if you commit to a minimum quantity. As you might imagine, a different manufacturing line is used and there is a cost. (There are still plenty of countries who do not require RoHS and will use the more reliable real solder, so the majority are manufactured that way). Now, if we had only started with RoHS they would be the normal ones and the good old lead-solder units would have a discount :-)
FriendlyARM boards sold within the EU should be RoHS compliant, maybe check with one of the FriendlyARM european distributors.
There is only one distributor for "real" EU. Turkey is not part of the EU and on the website are no informations about RoHS compliance. Further the hardware is very expensive at this distributor. Watterott, the only "real" european distributor, could not deliver FriendlyArm's since a long time except some stamp modules and accessories. I think there is no commercial market for FriendlyArm in Europe...
For Mini2440 i found RoHS compliance hint at Hiteg's website: http://www.developmentboard.net/development-boards/16-mini2440v2.html
2 Titus Breidung: thanks for this research. About the certificate you attached. It's very strange, that certificate is already 2 years old (well, few days shy to be exactly 2 years old), while RoHS Mini6410 are yet to be seen (andahammer.com announced about RoHS boards availability just two days ago).
I found this certificate by google search. I don't know if it is really valid for use in Europe. A note on this certificate says that is only valid together with the test report. I did not find the test report by google. Maybe FriendlyArm or andahammer or someone else got a newer certification. But i think we don't have to care about RoHS if the distributers sell them as certified. (I hope so ;-) )