fedora16 and mini6410 linuxboard

I have tried for fedora 9 from website and could not get it .So i installed
fedora16 in my laptop.Now problem  is  board is pre installed with linux
and Qtopia, i connected my laptop wth board using shipped network
cable,problem is board is detected by fedora but ip adress showing in
fedora16 is different and board address is different, and also i failed to
establish connection using ftp or telnet.I am getting message  like
connection refused.Please help me how to connect board via ftp using

The supplied cable is a crossover so do not use with an Ethernet
hub/switch. Only laptop to Mini. Connect the supplied serial cable (a null
MODEM cable IIRC) and set up Minicom (or you favorite serial tool)
115200,8,N,1. Delete the MODEM startup strings. You need to run Minicom as
superuser in Fedora.

Fiddle with it till you see the Linux startup procedure over serial. Check
the Mini's IP with ifconfig.

How are you trying to access? TFTP? SSH?