boot loading problam

Naftaly Dahan
When boot loader Android 2.3.1 have the following message on screen
1.  Installing kernel and file zimage
2.  Installing yaffs2-image and 
3.  Rootfs-mic2.img
4.  Bad file of "Rootfs-mic2.img"
5.  My question is why message on screen  Bad yaffs file


#This line cannot be removed. by FriendlyARM(

Action = Install
OS =Android

LCD-Mode = No
LCD-Type = W50

LowFormat = Yes
VerifyNandWrite = No

StatusType = Beeper | LED

################### Android 4.0.3 ####################
#Android-BootLoader = Superboot210.bin
#Android-Kernel = Android/zImage
#Android-CommandLine = root=/dev/mtdblock4 console=ttySAC0,115200
init=/linuxrc androidboot.console=ttySAC0 skipcali=yes ctp=2
#Android-RootFs-InstallImage = Android/rootfs_android-mlc2.img

################### Android 2.3.1 ####################
Android-BootLoader = Superboot210.bin
Android-Kernel = Android2.3.1/zImage
Android-CommandLine = root=/dev/mtdblock4 console=ttySAC0,115200
init=/linuxrc androidboot.console=s3c2410_serial0 
Android-RootFs-InstallImage = Android2.3.1/rootfs_android-mlc2.img

################### Linux ####################
#Linux-BootLoader = Superboot210.bin
#Linux-Kernel = Linux/zImage
#Linux-CommandLine = root=/dev/mtdblock4 console=ttySAC0,115200
init=/linuxrc skipcali=yes
#Linux-RootFs-InstallImage = Linux/rootfs_qtopia_qt4-mlc2.img

################### Windows CE6.0 ####################
#WindowsCE6-Bootloader = Superboot210.bin
#WindowsCE6-BootLogo = WindowsCE6\bootlogo.bmp
#WindowsCE6-InstallImage = WindowsCE6\NK.bin
#WindowsCE6-RunImage = WindowsCE6\NK.bin