openCV in Android on mini210s

Awais Ahmad

I'm developing an app for Android using Eclipse. The board i'm gonna use is
mini210s. I have to do simple image processing for color detection of
objects and measuring area of the detected regions. I will be using CMOS
camera. My question is, can i do this image processing without openCV? if i
have to use openCV, how can i import it to eclipse? will i have to install
it to the board as well or just have to import libraries in the eclpise
android development environment? 

once my app is ready, how do i install it on the board?


Dave McLaughlin
I had a look on the openCV website and downloaded the Android SDK and there
is all the source for Android in there.

You are going to need the get the Android NDK so that you can compile this
along with your code although it looks like there is already compiled
versions for each platform. You can use one of their samples to get it
working. Getting the NDK installed is easy. Just Google for it.

If you can get the JNI to compile using the NDK this gives you a way to
edit the source code to make it work with your hardware and will give you a
good lesson on installing and working with JNI code. Basically, Android
native C/C++ working with Dalvik.

As this needs a camera you will need to debug direct to an Android device
with a camera. Before you try with the FriendlyArm board, you can test it
works on a phone. Then switch to the FriendlyArm later.

Installing it on the board is simple. If you have board connected for
debugging, this will happen when you debug it. You can also use ADB to
install it.

Good luck.

Awais Ahmad
Yeah, Thanks a lot, i got it,
i found this site, they provide a complete bundle of eclipse, openCV, ADT,
NDT integrated all together.

Plus, I want to do real time video processing. Is the memory on board
enough for the purpose? And is accessing the camera as simple as accessing
in case of a cell phone? 

Thanks a lot.